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yoga alliance
maya swati devi tantra yoga yoga festival
maya swati devi tantra yoga yoga festival










Our 200HR three-year Tantra yoga and Tantrism training courses are certified by yoga alliance international.

CLICK HERE to view the school profile on YOGA ALLIANCE.


  • RTY Yoga alliance Diploma - only for the three-year school of traditional Tantrism and Tantra yoga, after passing the final exam and thesis.

  • Certificate of participation - Issued after one year of course.

  • Certificate of participation- for intensive or residential residential internships from 3 to 7 days.

  • Each student must apply for the Membership to Yoga alliance and the diploma. (Cost apart)

CLICK HERE to find out about our Triennial Higher Training Tantric yoga teacher training



Tantric Yoga Teacher Training Certificate
DEVI TANTRA YOGA Copyright - since 2007
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