PRESENTATION by Maya swati Devi, Author
From my two great passions, Tantrism and Indian dance, a book is born, a story of the heart written in poetic form as a dialogue that is born within me and expands to infinity. Dance and Tantrism are two paths that I followed from an early age and that have guided every step and choice in my life. Tantrism is a FEMALE WAY and this is my homage to the Great Goddess.
My intent is to narrate my personal and real experience "on the way of Tantra and Dance" in a magical and spiritual land, as it appeared to me the first time I put my foot on its soil: INDIA.
This book is not autobiographical but narrative and reflects the evolutionary path that brought me closer to the Supreme Śakti manifesting itself in its various forms.
An inner journey that led me to interact with many ancient souls, friends, Masters, researchers or simple life companions. Fundamental for me was the research based on my body, which I traveled from an early age through dance and yoga, which over the years has allowed me to become a "dancing yoginī" thanks to the teaching of great masters. spirituals and some of India's purest male and female dancers.
The spiritual researches that I have undertaken have led me to the knowledge of the great mother and to live it intensely through direct experience and intimate listening to my body until I am able to transform, like an alchemist, metal into gold, the main concepts of a ancient way of knowledge like Tantra and the devotional way in pure and mystical dance.
This book is a journey of inner spiritual research that has lasted for almost twenty years, perhaps from the first moment I placed my foot on this earth, reincarnated in a woman's body, an unfinished journey that comes from past lives.
My intent is to share with the reader the evolution that has taken place in my "Self" through the truth of a spiritual path as deep and complex as Tantrism and the mystical and pure dance that leads to union with the divine.
A journey through the deepest nature of things, which have intertwined with the lives of the many ancient souls I have met on this earth.
Fragments of experiences, strokes of life stand out on a blank canvas that still today and every day of my life awaits to be completed and painted by my choices and my actions.
This is the way I have chosen to communicate with the divine, the way of supreme wisdom, upheaval of ordinary reality, in which pure and impure, asceticism and carnal union come together in a non-dual embrace to represent the absolute that is in we.
A way that fills my heart in this earthly life and that after death.
The historical research was carried out by the dancer of Oḍissī Lucrezia Ottoboni, a dancing soul that I met and found in this life, who will explore the meaning of the great Mother and her ten cosmic forces: the Daśa Mahāvidyā, the Yoginīs and the places linked to the cult of divine feminine.
THE GARDEN OF BOOKS and in MILAN at the esoteric bookshop and Yoga shop.
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Aham: Il Cuore del Tantrismo Kaula
Aham: Il Cuore
Aham, il cuore, è un concetto centrale nell'ideologia Kaula, concepito come la realtà più sacra, sede della Coscienza e della Beatitudine (Ānanda), luogo di unione della coppia cosmica di Śiva e Śakti. Il termine Aham fa riferimento alla stessa realtà espressa in altri termini come anuttara (insuperabile), Akula (oltre il kula), Śiva (il Signore), Cit (Coscienza Suprema), così come Ānanda e Śakti. Ogni termine esprime un punto di vista specifico, ma nessuno di essi può pienamente descrivere la Realtà Suprema.
A livello individuale, il cuore è la forza che tiene unite le varie esperienze coscienti: l'individuo è considerato un Kula composto da otto elementi. Questi sono: i cinque sensi, l'ego (ahamkara), la mente e l'intelletto. Essi non sono coinvolti in processi totalmente separati bensì costituiscono un'unica famiglia interdipendente ("kaula") che trova nella Coscienza il substrato comune. Il Kaula prescrive varie pratiche allo scopo di reintegrare gli otto "raggi" dell'anima nella Coscienza Suprema.
A livello cosmico, il "Cuore del Signore" (Aham) è il substrato della famiglia di 36 principi (Tattva) che formano tutta la manifestazione. Il concetto di cuore spirituale è talmente importante per il tantrismo che persino la realizzazione suprema è descritta in relazione ad esso. La cosiddetta Kechari Mudrā è un'attitudine descritta come "la capacità della coscienza di muoversi liberamente (charati) nello spazio (kha) del cuore" ( "kha" e "charati" uniti formano "kechari").