Tantric Sadhana
Tantric Sadhana is the spiritual practice of a sadhaka (adept) which leads to Self-realization and to become Tantrika in life.
Tantrism is an initiatory spiritual path and Mantra and yantras are part of the first initiation for a sadhaka.
Mantra is the vehicle of consciousness and connects with Sakti. Yantra and Mandala are the manifest form, configuration of the Sakti, while the Mantra is the link between consciousness and form. The visible form is the expression, while the Mantra is the vehicle of the expression. The world we know and perceive is materialized and formed through the Mantra, through sounds on all levels; they originate from the substratum of the consciousness of Siva, through their use it is possible to return to merge with this consciousness, it is possible to harmonize with the cosmic forces, it is possible to create a state of "resonance" between the individual and the depth of his inner being . The use of Mantras is a real science, a science that in the past was freely practiced in every part of the world and then sadly rejected by people who have become increasingly attached to materialistic explanations of phenomena.
The syllable Om, also known as Aum and Pranava, is the holiest symbol of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism. It is used both as a symbol and as a sound in religious worship, ritual chanting, performing sacraments and rituals, yoga and tantra. In Hinduism it is revered as Brāhman in the form of word (askhara) and sound (sabda). Mantrayoga Samhita, Om alone has no potency if it is chanted by someone who has not been initiated on the spiritual path by a guru. It remains ineffective as a vehicle for self-realization, unless it is personally imparted by an enlightened master (guru) to an initiate as part of a seed mantra (bija). According to Swami Sankarananda, the word could be derived from "Soma", the name of an important deity which is mentioned frequently in the Vedas and with which many esoteric rituals are associated. Speech is also related to the sound of breath and a subtle, high-powered universal vibration that can be heard internally in the subtle planes as a deep sound (pranava nada) by adepts all the time. The tantras describe the primordial sound Aum as pure vibration (spanda), without cause and source of all sounds and vibrations. They explain the origin of primordial sounds such as dhvani, nada and subtle alphabets called matrikas and their association with Siva and Shakti. The Sharada Tilaka Tantra reveals the source of all sounds as the bindu (point) which has three constituent parts, namely nada (subtle sound), bija (seed) and bindu (point). Nada has the dominance of Siva consciousness.
Kaula and Sakta tradition
The meditation technique of Tantra yoga includes purification (physical and spiritual cleansing, followed by tantric Pranayama (breathing exercises); the latter produces effects on the brain stem which controls respiratory functions, then we practice abstract thinking (the contemplation), in visualization, in the Japa Mantra. The work on the Chakras, Yantras and Mantras will be done. The chakras are energy points located along the spine, seven in number. They convey energies, dispensing and attracting them, and are configured as double funnels that rotate on themselves, converging in a single internal point, which is the authentic heart of the chakra, double wheels of vibratory and spiritual energy that expand outwards. Mantra Yoga and Yantra Yoga lead the individual to agree with the same forces that created nature, to create an alert consciousness; the practices foreseen to reach the state of awareness are six: Sama (Quiet mind and management of the Passions), Samadhana Dama (Self-control and governance of the five sense organs: see Useful Tables), Uparati (Blocking of active and perceptive faculties), Titiksa (Perseverance, patience), Shamadana (The constant concentration of the mind), Shraddha (True Faith, Conviction, Devotion).
The practice includes a preparatory part on a general physical level with classic Yoga and relaxation exercises of our method as well as a part of meditations to train awareness in everyday life, unlocking and opening the intelligence of the body and full sensoriality, in order to recover. and rediscover an authentic and profound contact with oneself.
With this quality listening the sensation of the body goes through a certain number of transformations and, in a moment, the feeling of the body empties, dies in your listening. Then there is a free listening from every direction, from every object. The essential becomes this listening that does not contain any memory.
I Ancient ritual of Nyasa which means superimposing or impressing the Mantra or Bijia mantra on the body.
The ritual involves the superimposition of ancient mantras that are repeated in certain predetermined parts of the body by means of a simple practice, producing a deep vibrational massage and the manifestation of motionless pleasure in the body.
Mantras are millennial sacred syllables or formulas made of pure vibration, which help protect the mind from the uncontrolled and repetitive flow of negative and useless thoughts.
They are activated both with the use of the breath and then recited, sung or whispered (external or audible), and in a purely mental form perceived with the heart and soul (internal inaudible).
The purpose of the ritual is to recall, in the corresponding parts of the body, a vibration of pleasure, working on the deep layers of being.
When the body feels pleasure, the mind is induced to plan positive actions capable of improving health, increasing self-esteem, reducing stress, promoting concentration, promoting the slowing of mental flow, making the perception of true reality clearer, purifying emotions , improve relationships and awaken the Self.
The vibration of pleasure places the body in harmony with the earth and nature. The body is the other face of the soul, in contact with the macrocosm.
When the body feels pleasure it is not afraid, it wins over attachments, it becomes part of the whole.
It leads to awakening and liberation and gives a state of deep peace and harmony with everything or person.
Constant repetition of the Mantra is a fundamental step in Tantric practice.
Prana is the vital energy that permeates the whole cosmos; it is the universal soul that materializes in the breath. Pranayama is the technique of controlling and suspending the breath which aims to concentrate and channel the prana through energy channels called nadi. By inhaling we absorb prana, exhaling we distribute it.
The techniques of pranayama are varied - some involve breathing with alternating nostrils, others with sound breaths, others finally with energetic exhalations.
We normally breathe fifteen times a minute. In pranayama we control the respiratory flow by slowing it down to one breath per minute or increasing it to one hundred and twenty breaths per minute.
Bandha, literally "bond", is a postural fixing technique performed during the practice of asanas and especially of pranayama. Bandhas consist of muscular contractions of certain parts of the body, with a specific action at the neuro-muscular level. One of the purposes of these fixings, always carried out both at a physiological and an energetic level, is to favor the flow of vital energy called Kundalini from the lower chakras to the higher ones.
The most important bandhas are: Mula Bandha (contraction of the perineum), Uddhyana Bandha (lifting of the diaphragm with empty lungs), Jalandhara Bandha (contraction of the throat, pressing the chin against the breastbone).
Asanas are positions or postures used in most forms of yoga. Etymologically the term means "sitting position" and seems to indicate that, at least initially, it referred to positions for meditation. Now the term indicates in a broader sense a body posture that improves physical and mental stability and generates a sense of well-being.
The mudras are hand postures widely used in yoga and in particular in meditation.
In Indian and Buddhist iconography it is very common to depict deities, spiritual guides, mythological figures or thinkers while making symbolic figures with their hands. Well, these emblematic gestures are mudras.
One of the best known, also in popular culture, is the chin mudra, the "gesture of conscience": the thumb and index finger are united, the palm of the hand is facing upwards, the little finger, the ring finger and the middle are lying. Can you imagine these hands resting on the knees of the yogi in meditation?
Mudras are common to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, they are used in Tantric rituals and Taoism, Indian classical dances and Tibetan Buddhism. The ritual gestures of the hands are common to all religions: even in the Christian religion, the faithful gather in prayer with their hands joined (anjali mudra).
Tantric rituals are the least understood of the whole tantric tradition but they are the most alchemical and magical part that include practices reserved only for initiates.
These rituals cannot be revealed as they could not be received with sacredness by people who do not follow the tantric path.
Some of the less understood secret rituals are: Maithuna, Cakra Puja, Yoni Puja, Lingam and Yoni Puja.
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Purna Mantra recited by Maya Swati Devi