Il Massaggio Tantrico
Un grande equivoco del Tantra new age e un mistero svelato
dalla Maestra e Yogini Maya Swati Devi
A great misunderstanding of new age Tantra and a mystery revealed
" The Garden of Eden is the emblem of the paradisiacal body of man. There man was one with Nature.
He was himself paradise, a privileged enclosure in a garden of delight "
Mahanirvana Tantra
Tantric massage, understood as it is in the West, is not Tantra.
Tantra needs spiritual practice (SADHANA) which has nothing to do with massage.
Due to the lack of knowledge of Tantric teachings and the proliferation of misleading ideas about Tantra in the West that do not reflect its spiritual nature, the TANTRA MASSAGE often turns into an expedient to hide sexual services and exploitation of prostitution.
Tantra, emptied of its true spiritual meaning, is used to make exotic and often to conceal a banal sexual performance.
In our society, Tantra is often synonymous with "free and unbridled sex and with different partners" or has been reduced to a banal erotic massage.
Tantra massage has become a fusion of elements of various massages and grotesque body massages and marketed in massage centers with no professional ethics nor preparation.
In Italy, in recent years tantra massage centers have been opened for profit or even worse tantric massage schools without real knowledge of the subject matter that promise bogus diplomas and courses with misleading contents. We have seen in recent years the proliferation of schools with Masters who define themselves as Satya (great knowledge) and women with low moral values who define themselves as "tantric priestesses". Many of these alleged Tantric masters were investigated for exploitation of prostitution, tried and convicted because they ran real brothels instead of massage centers.
Does not exist the figure of operator / tore or masseuse / tantric tore / o and none of these figures either presumed such will serve your spiritual evolution on this earth.
In no tantra massage center will they be able to give you the practices for your spiritual path.
Avoid centers that promote services with half-naked girls from the cover and promising massages with final ecstasy (unless you are looking for this approach) because that experience will not help your evolution.
YONI and LINGAM MASSAGE - A myth revealed
It is important to point out that there is no tantric massage for the genitals called YONI and LINGAM massage.
How could it be possible to achieve the divine and mystical union with Siva and Sakti within us through a genital massage?
In Indian Ayurveda medicine there is a yoni massage that is performed at the entrance of the vagina with medicated oils a few days before giving birth to favor a complication-free birth and a greater opening of the woman.
In Taoism the Zen monks used Taoist sex practices to make the Lingam (penis) strong and lengthen but for the man it was a serious, meditative practice that required great discipline and great courage.
The genital massages that are offered today have all the characteristics of a real masturbation.
Having such intimate parts massaged is like giving another person permission to alter your inner balance.
The energy works on a subtle level and the other person's energy instead of rebalancing your energy centers and subtle channels will activate dormant emotions or emotions within you. The vibration of love in a sharing must be authentic because when it is not present it cannot be created from nothing.
Yoni and Lingam massage are a pure NEO TANTRA invention that uses techniques such as sex therapy to apply Tantra.
So let's start calling things for what they are and not hiding them under an exotic name like Tantra.
Sex therapy has its value for those who believe in the material aspect of things but it is not a path of awareness and knowledge of the Self.
If you are looking for a spiritual path and authentic transformation, such as the tantric one, stay away from those who proclaim themselves Gurus or enlightened Masters. or who manage massage centers and offer enlightenments through a massage. If you are looking for this experience instead you will certainly find what you are looking for by doing a Google search under TANTRA MASSAGE. But know that it would be much more honest to talk about the pursuit of sexual performance rather than Tantra. Tantrism and sex speak with a different vibration. If you are looking for ordinary sex, perhaps you have yet to have this material experience and perhaps you are not yet ready to embrace a spiritual path.
For those who are looking for an authentic spiritual path, some tips to avoid finding yourself in unpleasant and often dangerous situations, where unscrupulous people go to play with your inner energy and violate your body by altering the deepest layers of yours. psycho-physical balance.
Avoid all those who call themselves tantric therapists or healers, people who are not clear and do not give you explanations about the tantric principles they follow in a concrete and exhaustive way, with which Master they have studied and which lineage they belong to.
To recognize if the person in front of us uses Tantra to cover or mask something else, it is important to ask three fundamental questions:
-What Tantric lineages does your school belong to.
-Which Masters he was initiated by and what was his study path.
-What are the 3 initiations of traditional Tantrism (that every true Master initiated in his lineage knows).
If the person in question hesitates, finds tricks to not answer questions or speaks in unclear language for the sake of secrecy, we are almost certainly faced with an impostor who uses the name Tantra to cover his needs in the sexual sphere or for acquire the power it does not have.
Tantric massage cannot be proposed either carried out in massage or beauty centers and with the sole purpose of the purely physical or erotic experience
Everyone acts in life according to their level of awareness. We therefore wish you to find what you are looking for.
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