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Tantric and teaching principles of Devi Tantra yoga

"Therefore, the importance of a guru to the aspirant on the path of Yoga cannot be stressed enough. In the words of Shiva," After finding a guru knowledgeable in Yoga and receiving instruction in Yoga, the yogi should carefully and resolutely practice in the way taught by the guru "(45). Similarly, Sri Dharma teaches that" The role of Guru is of the highest importance, as is the sincerity, humility, and loyalty of the student "  

Shiva Samhita


Our school is TRADITIONAL and does not include any new age sexual approach to Tantrism. The teachings are transmitted according to the GURUSHISHA PARAMPARA tradition
  they are based on the teachings received  by Maya Swati Devi, through initiation by her Masters of the Kaula and Sakta lineages. Click HERE to read Maya's story.

All our courses are open to those who want to approach the Tantrism of tradition.

The work environment is friendly, discreet and never ends in the brisk sexual aspect or vulgarity of many Italian Tantra schools with a neo tantra or new age approach, since DTY offers a profound work on the sacredness of being.

As an integral part of the courses it is essential to have an attitude of deep respect and support for each participant.

The work does not require any particular preparation,  because the practice, without any erotic intent, aims to awaken the creative energy in our body.
In this dimension and sacredness everyone can meet in a sacred place, with an open heart and a true approach to life and love.


What is certain is that there is nothing instantaneous about the process of spiritual growth. Those who reach a certain maturity in this area do so with years of inner work and sincerity.

There is in these spiritually tempered human beings, be they Monks / Masters / Shamans or Shamans, a quality of integrity and grounding. They are not disembodied souls nor do they want to appear so. 
They are not, nor do they expect, beyond anything. For this they are able to embrace the complexity of those around them with love, and to show the Path to a Real Transcendence, without shortcuts or illusions of Holiness, with a simple Human vocation.

The spiritual path teaches us that we come here alone and leave alone, but at the same time we are never alone when connected to the divine source.

Irony and humor are qualities that all the great Masters have developed.

Humor opens the horizons to infinite interpretations of reality, and then reality is no longer just what makes us suffer.

The conquest of Independence passes from the fundamental awareness that it is necessary to honor every experience and choice of the spirits that cross our path, even the most objectively negative or destructive ones. The awakened soul that places itself on a platform of conscious observation knows that, among others, it must abandon the mask of the judge, since the encounter with several soul mates, and the relational dramas that will come on stage, gives him awareness of how they are mirrors of his own experience.


The great masters do not teach by speaking, but by embodying their teaching. They make it alive and real in their testimony. Their life is a manifestation of their truth. They do not use the word to subdue, but to awaken. They do not give solutions, but simple tools. They do not offer answers, but create an obstacle course so that the playing field of experience becomes, for the player, the necessary practice to awaken their own wisdom. 
They are not beggars, but emperors! They do not beg, but live on themselves.

As the Tao Te Ching says: “the sage places himself last and becomes first; it is held out and is in the center ”. 
In his "relationship with others" a true teacher does not create addiction or even addiction. He is not a shepherd in the midst of a flock of tame sheep. It does not impose anything, but allows everyone to recognize what they already have within themselves. It does not seek adepts, but free seekers. A teacher is never the right answer, but rather the right question.

THE TANTRIC WAY and the traps of the EGO  

Hurry up in action, and fail.

You try to grab things, and you lose them.

Force a project to completion,

and spoil what was almost ripe ".


You will meet many people who will abandon the Way before even starting their evolutionary path on this earth, others will find all the obstacles to leave the Way, still others will make excuses and use them as a weapon to enter the role of victim or try to self-pity because 'affected by bad luck. There is nothing we cannot accomplish in this life:  "Your limit is the sky!" It is we who build the limits in our life through the resistances of the ego. Surrender, surrender to the flow of life and start living following your true divine nature!

The knowledge of a spiritual path and the dedication to a mystical path requires an unlimited and indefinite time.
In a society where everything appears fast and determined, not making plans for the future or seeking goals is a principle understood by few.

Few people engage in a daily practice that would allow them to focus on the present and embrace all that is the moment and the here and now. Many people complain forgetting that any change requires a great transformation that cannot happen in a few days.

When someone asks me how long it takes to internalize the tantric way, I always answer that daily practice has a great influence on this time.

There are 3 fundamental steps to overcome for an adept in the tantric path that hinder the inner evolution:

1) INDIGESTION STAGE: initial excessive enthusiasm pushes the person to enroll in many courses together and to do more than they can internalize, risking indigestion of practices and principles.

2) EGO STAGE Demand the resolution of life with few practices, little effort and at a speed determined by the mind and not by awareness. The ego constantly asks, the soul does not.

The person experiences fear due to the disintegration of beliefs matured by the ego in the past and cannot go beyond the fears.

In this stage, one often abandons the chosen path (which had been undertaken with great enthusiasm) and definitively moves away from one's self so as not to disturb one's life.

To practice Tantrism, the primary condition is the conscious presence of one's Self. The physical practices of tantra yoga - asana, pranayama, bandha - and the alchemical ones - mantras, meditations, nyasa - can be applied by everyone. Achieving many positive effects, such as rediscovering and cultivating sensoriality, learning to expand the senses; develop presence and conscious intimate listening in every moment of life; do not flee from one's shadows, but pass through them, fearlessly transform them like the vira (hero) and start riding the tiger; understand that sexual energy is the most powerful energy of creation and resides in the body ». 
Nothing is more beautifully creative and meditative than a sacred act of love. In that moment we understand that we are not alone and we are one with the macrocosm.


There is no Tantra without daily Sadhana.

The fulcrum of Tantrism, around which all its teaching revolves, is sadhana, or discipline. On a superficial view this may appear contradictory. Why, if there is complete freedom to transgress the rules, the cornerstone around which everything revolves is discipline? Sadhana is not an externally imposed discipline, therefore a "rule", but an inner fulfillment, therefore "pleasure". Sadhana is the natural way, the practice without constraints, authentic, never superficial. 
Tantric sadhana is conceived in this sense. We are spiritual beings "fallen" into a physical body, but it is within our body that we find the strength to reach realization. It is through the strength of our body that we can interrupt the process of spiritual decay caused by our own corporeality.
The practitioner realizes in himself the interdependence of microcosm and macrocosm and lives in his corporeality the universal laws and principles of cosmogony. For this reason, daily practice, the true essence of tantra, is no longer a discipline but becomes a natural philosophy of life.

SPIRITUAL WAY AND KARMA YOGA (Taken from a FB post by Maya Swati Devi)

In over 10 years of spreading a spiritual path in Italy, no one has ever asked me to be able to perform "Karma yoga" at my center or in my home in exchange for spiritual teachings.

In my twenty years of training in Tantrism and spiritual research I have carried out the practice of Karma yoga (service to the divine) or Sewa for all my Gurus.
This is the direct transmission Master / student Gurushisha parampara that has existed since the dawn of time in every spiritual path.
I was chosen by my first Master and therefore I never had to pay anything (only some spontaneous offer) but I spent many months in his home doing everything that was necessary for daily living.
I cooked, washed on the ground, I went to get water from the Ganga even in the coldest mornings, I looked after, fed, washed and massaged my
Guru's feet and he spontaneously passed on the authentic teachings to me when he thought I was ready.
I never asked for more than what he gave me because I had faith and total abandonment towards him.

Who would be willing to welcome such an experience and ready to leave everything to embrace the Way?

True and sincere seekers are welcome to practice Karma yoga instead of paying for the teachings, but with sincere devotion and dedication and only after being chosen.
Those who believe that spirituality should be free should first of all be willing to exchange the teachings with dedication, commitment and discipline towards the chosen path.
Only after having dedicated himself to the practice would he realize how much value spirituality has.

So where are all those people interested in the way or those who consider themselves true spiritual seekers?
Until we know our true nature we do not speak between souls but through the ego.



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DEVI TANTRA YOGA Copyright - since 2007
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