Sessualità Sacra Tantrica
"The real wine that must be researched and drunk is the divine nectar that intoxicates with joy and eternal life. A true yogi who enjoys the infinite bliss that derives from the union of the Self (Shiva) and its supreme Shakti (Kundalini ) .Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to Create "
In Tantra Yoga, sexual energy is discovered, transmuted and sublimated to allow the individual to reach elevated states of consciousness up to perfect communion with the Universal Consciousness. It is the union of the two aspects Shiva and Shakti, feminine and masculine, lunar and solar, which leads to creation, to all manifestation.
To enter the sacredness of sex it is necessary, first of all, to be willing to open oneself totally to the other, at all levels, without inhibitions and without fear of having to defend oneself by closing one's heart. Trying to be more and more natural and spontaneous, then we can allow the opening of the heart to call the sacred fire which then requires all our listening and all our welcome to be able to proceed on its path. The second step is to recognize the divine in the other person and to be able to make love with his or her enlightened and awakened aspect.
It is a surrender of the ego to the divine of both which is in fact One: a single Presence of Love. total to that divine presence that calls lovers to Himself, precisely because they have been able to open the narrow and miserable confines of the Ego to become One.
In the tantric intercourse much importance is given to the retention of the bindu (semen); this word literally means "point", "drop" and is the core, the point from which all creation becomes manifest. The origin of the bindu is located at the height of the brain (where the Ojas energy is located), but as happens in profane sexuality, the psychic activities related to arousal, passions and emotions ignite the Kama Agni (fire of desire) whose heat acts negatively on Ojas making this energy descend downwards which is then dissipated with orgasm in the form of sperm. When sperm is lost, a certain amount of energy of great importance is lost; avoiding ejaculation therefore means conserving precious fuel, but also being able to favor "the explosion" during the maithuna which can cause convergence towards the center and therefore transcendence. For this purpose the man must perfect the practices of vajroli mudra, moola-bandha and uddiyanabandha while for the woman the practice of sahajoli is very important. Maithuna may be the simplest way to awaken Kundalini, but very few are adequately prepared for this way; ordinary sex is not maithuna (even if the physical act is the same) for maithuna the couple must first be adequately purified (both internally and externally) and must be able to have the mind free from emotions and passions (which is difficult to obtain during a sexual act). For this reason, according to Tradition, the practice of Dakshina marg (the way of the bhaktas, known as "Tantra of the right hand") must be followed for a few years for preparatory purposes, before reaching al Vama Marg, in order to prepare the sadhaka to acquire bhakti (devotion-love) towards the woman, and therefore towards the Shakti.
Our school proposes sacred sexuality as a topic of the three-year Tantrism and Tantra yoga training or during specific residential internships.
In the tantric view, the entire physical and mental universe is perceived as being fabric-like
in which the parts unite in the whole (whole), and in which the whole (the whole) is reflected in all its parts.