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Scuola di Alta Formazione in 
Tantrismo e  Tantra yoga tradizionale

Certificata 200 HR Yoga Alliance
L'unica Scuola Italiana di Tantra Kaula e Shakta dal 2007



School of Higher Education of the Indian Tantric Kaula and Sakta and Tantra yoga and traditionally

RYS 200 Yoga Alliance international certified



DEVI TANTRA YOGA ®, the first Italian school founded by Maya Swati Devi in ​​2007, organizes courses in Indian Tantrism and traditional Tantra yoga-

The school has authorized offices in Milan, Parma, Ancona and Palermo managed by students who have become DTY certified teachers, who have carried out a long process and training with Maya Swati Devi, authorized to spread her tantric teachings.

The annual training is a deep path of inner growth, open to single men and women or couples, interested in learning the teachings of Tantra that derive from the ancient Indian tradition learning to live like Tantrika (those who follow the path of Tantra) in everyday life.

This intensive path will provide you with practical and spiritual tools to be able to experience and practice Tantra in your daily life, because only in this way can it become part of your life, uniting hearts and souls in a conscious dimension of love and acceptance towards yourself and others regardless of gender, social status, physical appearance and sexual preference.


Tantrism: An inner spiritual revolution


"From the meaning of tantra (root tan)" treated "," exposition "derives by extension" what has proceeded ".

Tantra is an authentic internal revolution, it is divesting of all religious faiths, morals, constraints, prejudices, etc.

It is to create the internal space that is necessary to conceive infinity and timeless truth. From the moment the mind empties and adapts to what really happens, when we learn from our deepest interior, everything becomes a mantra, which is the fabric, the basis of life, in which one puts everything and which magically takes on many different forms of infinite creativity.

Tantra breaks the taboos, beliefs and dogmas imposed by any religion. In fact, Tantrism is not a religion, but a spiritual and NON-DUAL way that leads us back to unity with the divine source.


Yoga is the main method that Tantra tries to weave in every aspect of life, attributing to every human activity a means of realizing and expressing the inner yoga of evolution from human to divine. Tantric yoga has a unitary cosmological vision but polar but in the basic vision where everything is "One". The tradition of Tantra Yoga was founded by Sadashiva, in eastern India, more than seven thousand years ago. Shiva is the mythical initiator, the primordial figure of the yogi, a being suspended between Earth and Heaven, Master in whom the Divine incarnates to give shape to the World, the founder of customs, love, music and art and tantric yoga.

Sexuality is the most natural and most powerful human instinct, and Tantrism considers it an inalienable part of the human being: an impulse or force that is not only physiological or biological, but which permeates the whole emotional and intellectual life of the individual and facilitates mutual interaction. Sexual intercourse shakes the human being understood as an individual and eliminates his selfishness. In partners the idea of ​​the other as an isolated entity disappears, and gives rise to a balance in which there is no subject who manipulates nor an object to be used but there are units (transcendence of dualism) and perfect reciprocity of values. Sex is not removed, but is used to transform it into higher psychic activity in order to obtain transcendent awareness (prajñõ).

Tantra is the practical and energetic application of all the yogic wisdom of life, time, space and energy.

If you approach it with the right intention, it can offer you much more than the realization of your desires, it can help you achieve the supreme goal of the life of realization of the entire universe in your awareness!



Structure of the School of Tantrism

The Higher Education School is structured in 3 LEVELS, which can be completed in three or more years. It is not necessary to complete all three levels, but it is possible to attend only the first level and to reach a personal knowledge of the via Tantrica. Those who wish to become Tantrika in life, to follow Tantrism as a way for personal evolution, will have to finish the second year, Those who aspire to spread Tantrism Sakta and Kaula will have to finish the third level.


THE THREE LEVELS of the training school:

1 ° The divine energy of Tantra-65 hours

2nd Ride the Tiger! -65 hours

3rd Tantric Alchemy - 70 hours

All three levels consist of 200 hours of practical, theoretical, philosophical teaching.



Each level is structured in 6 MEETINGS (between weekends, residential and lessons in Milan) for a total of more than 65 hours of study and teaching, which conclude with the initiatory weekend in a place in nature (Sicily).
In each meeting an aspect of the human soul will be explored and the teachings according to the Kaula and Sakta tradition will be transmitted, lineages to which Maya Swati Devi was initiated, and to which our school is inspired ..

A part of physical teachings, which concern the body, and a part of metaphysical or "Alchemical" teachings.

The practices will be yogic type through the transmission of traditional Tantra yoga, Mantra, meditations, Nyasa, Yantra, Pranayama, Asana and the Tridosha sequences to strengthen, make the body flexible and prepare it for intimate listening.

The Alchemical part concerns the less understood and more secret aspect of Tantrism,: the rituals and pujas, practices for the alchemical transformation of energy in our body and the expansion of consciousness in our subtle layers of the unconscious. the tools, practices and teachings to create your Sadhana (spiritual practice), for your daily life and start your inner evolution process. The philosophical part will be transmitted through readings of ancient tantric texts. The lessons will develop through experience and direct transmission from Master to student (gurusisha parampara).

The alchemical process that occurs within the one who carries out tantric practices is therefore not limited only to the physical and organic sphere, but involves the whole being. Through the tantric way there is a continuous reunion between the two absolute, eternal principles, the Male and the Female, between two divinities, Shiva and Shakti, who becoming One, reaching the mystical ecstasy.



Dates 1st level 2020/21

1) MILAN or COMO -Sab. October 17 2020

2) TUSCANY- INTENSIVE WEEKEND IN NATURE 5-6-7-8 December 2020 (Long bridge)

3) MILAN or COMO - Sat. 13 February 2021


5) MILAN or COMO Sat. 22 May 2021

6) SICILY, Castellammare del Golfo (TP) 10-11 July 2021-INITIATORY WEEKEND: Initiation ceremony in a place surrounded by the nature of Sicily. (Weekend mandatory to be able to access the 2nd LEVEL). Followed by the TANTRIC HOLIDAY from 11 to 18 July 2021 (Not mandatory but recommended). The initiation is on call and can be requested by the student of the teacher.


Lesson timetable:

MILAN- from 10.30 to 18.00 (with lunch break 1 hour)

INTENSIVE WEEKENDS from Sat. to 16.00 until Sunday at 16.00


Dates 2nd level 2019/20



*** The 2nd level is entered only upon completion of the 1st level. You can choose to carry out both levels in the same year of study ***


Tantric principles

Our school is based on the traditional principles of Indian Tantrism and we want to emphasize that our courses are conducted in respect of our lineage and of all the people who participate in it. Our teaching method does not promote sexual or erotic practices but our approach is yogic and spiritual. Therefore, please respect others as divine beings and companions in the study group. Unethical or incorrect behavior will not be tolerated during the Training and DEVI TANTRA YOGA® reserves the right to remove people who disturb the group.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the lineages and principles of DEVI TANTRA YOGA.


THE COMPLETE PROGRAM IS SENT only by e-mail by writing to




To request admission to the annual training, please send an email to

The participation form and the complete program can be requested only by e-mail



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Scuola di Formazione di Tantra Yoga e Tantrismo Tradizionale

The Tantric Principles of Devi Tantra yoga


Tantrism Kaula and Sakta


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Maya Swati Devi

Fondatrice e Master

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Lucrezia Ishani Devi

Insegnante Certificata DTY

donatella angelini

Bhavani Devi

Insegnante Certificata DTY


Questo percorso intensivo vi fornirà strumenti pratici e spirituali per poter sperimentare e praticare il Tantra nel vostro quotidiano, perché solo così potrà divenire parte della vostra vita, unendo i cuori e le anime in una dimensione consapevole di amore e accettazione verso se stessi e gli altri.

Dal 2007, la nostra scuola di formazione accetta solo 12 allievi a livello, per mantenere la tradizione di trasmissione orale diretta e ininterrotta , che i Maestri del lignaggio Kaula e Sakta hanno donato a Maya Swati Devi.

Se vi sentite pronti ad esplorare la via tantrica potrete scaricare, compilare e inviare tramite mail a la scheda di ammissione di seguito:

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